Thursday, May 07, 2015

Bill: 7th May

Dad's really picked up in the last couple of days, out of bed & sitting up, stronger appetite & enjoying his food. He's enjoyed visits from family & friends.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Bill: Monday 4th May

Steve and John Jeremiah visited Bill today. He was a bit quiet but doing OK.

Here's a photo of the two of them together.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Bill: Sunday 3rd May

Dad had a much better day yesterday (Saturday). His voice returned more fully (had been a bit of croaky whisper) he ate much better and had some conversations on the phone and with visitors.

Sue's with him now (Sunday morning) with his good friend John Jeremiah and I'll be going in later on.

Here's a photo I took yesterday.

So here's hoping he has another good day today.

I'll keep posting updates here which you can find via this link: