Currently harvesting:
- carrots of various shapes and colours - kids like the 'golfballs' best, I like the purple ones with orange middles.
- parsnips, which we have had roasted and in stews and are very nice
- mini-cukes which The Boy eats whole as a snack
- rasps, a mix of summer (Glen Prosen) and autumn (Polka), both in their first year so just a handful of each a day, I have had maybe 3 in total so far as Charlie loves them
- alpine strawbs, still lots of these. So tiny, but what an intense flavour.
- red and white onions, mostly going in salads or onion marmalade
- salad leaves, half a dozen types of lettuce and rainbow chard
- runner beans and yellow waxy french beans - just ready, havent tried either yet, maybe Sunday lunch.
- potatoes, the Anya are finished but still a few Charlottes and Juliettes left
- one or two peppers, they didnt do very well outside this year, need to be under glass
- plums are just starting and our one surviving apple looks about ready for granny Pam to pick it
Only put in a couple of dwarf peas, in the childrens patch, they picked a few pods today and the peas taste really sweet and nutty, totally different flavour and texture from a shop or frozen pea
- herbs: mint is looking a bit rusty, rosemary is okay, coriander is now going to seed, lots of oregano and thyme, basil still hanging in there, made pesto with most of it for Charlies pasta tonight.
Its the first time we have had enough things ready together for a whole meal and its brilliant !